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Looks salon is an elite unisex salon that offers various hair and beauty treatments/solutions for our men and women across the country. The premium beauty salon has a tremendous range of top-notch services for gents and ladies with a lot of customization options as well. From grooming sessions for men to nail art trends for women, we offer every salon service you can think of and we serve you with a sincere objective to bring your best look out so that you can fall in love with yourself all over again.

With over 95 salons across the country, we are the single largest salon chain in India. Our salons are located in the happening places of the towns and we are ever-expanding with an objective to bring Looks Salon closer to your doorsteps. Looks Salon is also establishing its footprints overseas, with its first branch up and running in Dubai.

Finding a Looks Salon branch anywhere in your city or on the go is easy – we have a great search presence, you can find us on Google Maps and access the contact details of the nearest branch within seconds. You can also use this Looks Salon Finder and locate us easily at your convenience and have a great time at Looks Salon!

All you've to do is put in your city and your area and voila, you get the contact details of the nearest Looks Salon within a couple of seconds. So, wait no more, find the nearest Looks Salon now and let your new look do all the talking.

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The Exclusive Unisex Salon in your town acquainted with world-class tools and professionals for stunning looks and absolute luxury.